Schengen Visas is for Fruitful Travel : Opulentus Complaints, Opulentus Reviews, Opulentus Immigration & Visa Processing
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Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Schengen Visas is for Fruitful Travel

A Schengen Visas is a multi country visit visa. It allows migrating to 26 member countries. The 26 countries belong to Europe. Among them Norway, Iceland, the newest member Liechtenstein and Switzerland, are the four which are not members of European Union.

If an Indian is planning to travel along more than one European country, it has become hassle-free by the introduction of the Schengen visa. This visa is helping in a happy travel to a number of countries in a single visit. It is giving a boost in travelling for international travelers.

This can be used to travel or visit, all or selected member Europe countries in a single trip, helping from applying to each visa separately.

Purpose of visit: While applying for the Schengen visa, the purpose of your visit must be tourism, business or leisure.

Validity: A Schengen travel visa helps to travel along the places for about 90 days and the valid period will be 6 months.

Countries included in Schengen visa: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

Among the above mentioned 26 places, 22 are European and 4 are non EU member countries as specified.

For your reference, the member countries which are not included in the Schengen visa are- UK, Ireland, Croatia, Cyprus, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Belarus, Macedonia, Moldova, Ukraine and Russia.

In case planning to visit any of these non-included Europe countries, it is mandatory to have a separate visit Europe visa for the countries willing to travel.

Set of laws to follow:
  • Be specific while applying for the visa, if your travel is to France the application has to be France. You cannot apply for other place which is included in the Schengen visa
  • If travelling to more than one place then application has to be sent to the embassy/consulate of the country you reside for more number of day
  • If same number of days you are going to stay, then the application can be sent to the country where you are entering firs
  • VFS center is where you need to submit the application. These centers are available across India. VFS is preferred as it is the outsourced partner for the Schengen countries
The best experience in travelling is while visiting many places in a single trip. This can be possible only through a Schengen visa, to visit European member countries.


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