Germany Eu Blue Card: Resident Permit For Foreign Professionals : Opulentus Complaints, Opulentus Reviews, Opulentus Immigration & Visa Processing
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Monday, 29 April 2013

Germany Eu Blue Card: Resident Permit For Foreign Professionals

To make Europe, the most competitive economy in the world a scheme has been introduced known as EU blue Card. Under this, a Non-European national can immigrate to a European Nation. The professional worker who is skilled can enter the EU member countries through an EU Blue Card.

What is Germany EU Blue Card?
The Germany EU blue card is a residence title for the Germany Immigrants to work. It provides evidence for authorized stay in the country. The stay is for the non-EU immigrant to any of EU member countries for working.

Eligibility for EU blue Card:
  • The foreign national is eligible for getting an EU blue card if they have a German university degree or a foreign degree from recognized university or a foreign degree, which can be compared to the German degree
  • The blue card is granted to the specific job categories with specific functions
  • The applicant must get a minimum gross salary as per German EU Blue Card immigration norms based on their work category
Validity for Germany EU blue Card:
  • The maximum validity period for a blue card holder is for four years
  • If the employment period is less, then the duration will be three months more to the required period
  • The card can be extended depending the purpose of extension
Basics to learn about the EU blue card:
  • The family members of the EU blue card holder are allowed to enter Germany along with them at the same time. Even they have a chance to enjoy the privilege of residence and work immediately
  • Permanent residence: A blue card holder can become a permanent residence holder after 33 months. The period can be shortened if the person is skilled in German language according to level B1. The period can be shortened to 21 months
  • In case planning to migrate within the EU countries after immigrating to Germany with a Germany EU blue card, there is a need to write an application and the application must be submitted with a month after Germany Immigration
  • The EU blue card holder who is a resident of Germany can move to the other EU member countries after a stay of 18 months in Germany
Hence the German EU Blue Card allows a person to live and work for the prescribed time. If the person has German language skills, there are benefits of being an immigrant sooner with best options.


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