Jobseekers Are a Hot Commodity in South Africa : Opulentus Complaints, Opulentus Reviews, Opulentus Immigration & Visa Processing
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Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Jobseekers Are a Hot Commodity in South Africa

Everything looks upbeat for the young and experienced jobseekers in South Africa. The recent announcement by President Jacob Zuma during the State-of-the-Nation address makes it amply clear that the government is going to create 11 million jobs by 2030. Even considering most of the jobs will be in the infrastructure sector, for which the government has allotted a whopping R860 billion, the time is ripe for the overseas candidates to seek the SA Jobseeker Visa.

This visa is necessitated by (1) the growing the requirement for skilled workers in the various sectors and (2) a shift from the Eurocentric focus of South African exports to a wider group of nations. The traditional Eurocentric exports have hit the nation hard because Europe as a whole is going through the throes of recession. Moreover, Pretoria will be chairing the BRICKS annual meeting, primarily aimed as a counterweight to the developed economies. As Chairman of the meeting, South Africa will surely place proposals for the promotion of the economic formation. That means South Africa will try to find a wider base for the economy.

All this should translate to the country seeking highly professional skills from among its own manpower and, in their absence, to look for the skills from abroad, if necessary. Against this background, this visa will be a hot commodity. Talking about commodities, SA has minerals, metals and precious metals, all of which require value addition. It is in these areas that this country will specifically require skills from abroad. The South Africa job seeker visa is the right means to take up a job to transfer one's skills, and migrate to the country as well. The visa will provide one with an opportunity to experience the challenging work environment; explore enormous career opportunities; enlist for high-paying jobs; and enjoy high lifestyle.

Normally, SA issues visas to skilled people from overseas when citizens with such skills are not available, especially those figuring in the Published Skills Shortage List. This enables the jobseeker to go to the country and search for a job initially during 90 days. On confirmation that the candidate has secured a job, the home ministry there will issue a SA Quota Work Permit, which will enable the holder to live in the country for 5 years, or as long as the job lasts.

The visa requires:
  • A minimum 5 years' work experience in the concerned skill
  • Minimum bachelor's qualification (South African Qualifications Authority may reassess).
  • Satisfactory health and character requirements
  • Sufficient funds to support stay and search for job

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