World Migratory Bird Day on 11 – 12 May 2013 – The spirit of migration in birds, what lessons we can learn. : Opulentus Complaints, Opulentus Reviews, Opulentus Immigration & Visa Processing
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Wednesday, 15 May 2013

World Migratory Bird Day on 11 – 12 May 2013 – The spirit of migration in birds, what lessons we can learn.

The evolution of migration appears to be a genetic trait found in birds as well as humans. Birds have a behavioral tendency for migration. It has been observed that bird species such as black cap and restart migrate due to genetic reasons. Several reasons could be attributed for migration among birds and humans, primary being the survival instinct i.e. food, shelter and to avoid harsh weather conditions.
Life is a big challenge for birds and human beings both have different set of battles to wage on a constant basis.
Are there similarities between migration of Birds and Humans?
Birds migrate mainly in search of food during winters, this is the time when their food stocks dwindle. Birds simply take flight and move on to other regions in search of better provisions and this is nature’s way to maintain balance. Unfortunately, it is not so simple for human beings but still humans also move from place to place in order to better their living conditions and it is called ‘human migration’. Moving from place to place is a natural instinct for humans and this has been continuing from early ages, humans are always on the lookout for means and sources, that would make their lives better.
There are lots of similarities between Birds and humans migration, both strive to find suitable conditions to rear their young ones and want to provide safe and friendly environment for their off-springs to grow. Another reason for birds and humans to migrate is to avoid predators, although humans do not have any life threatening predators, but predators can exists in other forms too, these can be economic conditions, food and water scarcity and lack of natural resources, which hinder their growth.
Humans were always considered as wanderers from the pre-historical ages. Neanderthals used to roam from continent to continent in search of resources and to survive harsh climatic conditions. Although, things have changed in the present era, but there is a natural urge for humans to migrate from place to place for various reasons…
  • Better Job opportunities
  • Improve their living conditions
  • Political Freedom
  • Better Education
  • Better Medical care
  • Security of their family
  • Better Growth prospects
MigrationWe have witnessed over the years, the benefits of migrating to different places. As per various studies that were conducted it is conclusively concluded that migration does help the human race in many ways.

  • Increases economic activity
  • Boosts tourism industry
  • Positive influence about the country.
  • Contributes to technology advancement
  • Develops culture of the country
International Organization for Migration which is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration estimates that the number of foreign migrants worldwide is more than 200 million and Europe is leading the tally with 70 million people, closely followed by North America with 45 million immigrants.
Migration Statistics
As per recent studies, it is estimated that about 13% of the world’s adult population i.e. more than 640 million people would prefer to migrate to other countries to improve their future prospects and provide better future to their next generation. It is interesting to know that, most of the individuals preferred United States as their destination to migrate. As per the figures below, United Status is way ahead then any of its European countries.
United States – 23%Migration
United Kingdom – 7%
Canada – 6%
France – 5%
Saudi Arabia – 5
Australia – 4%
Migration Opportunities
Governments across the world are encouraging migration as it would boost economic condition of their country, but the processes or guidelines that have been established for migration to different countries can be confusing. It is very important that individuals choose the right destination to migrate, as it is the most important decision in an individual’s life.  The migration process can be a difficult task, if not planned properly; you would need a step by step guidance and helping hand to understand the complexities of migrating to different countries. Opulentus Overseas Careers is one entity that can assist you in making your dream a reality.
Get in touch with us to know about the opportunities of migration, our experts will guide you to improve your future. Call us on 1800 103 1555 today. Opulentus Overseas Careers is a finest immigration consultant having expertise in providing quality solutions in visa processing. We are World’s Super Visa Specialist and are assisting people in fulfilling their dreams of going and settling abroad for more than a decade.

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