Immigration and Citizenship to Canada : Opulentus Complaints, Opulentus Reviews, Opulentus Immigration & Visa Processing
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Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Immigration and Citizenship to Canada

There are many takers for Canadian Citizenship and Immigration and with calling opportunities, there no doubt that several people have a beeline for residing in this lovable country. In order to make Canada immigration easier the rules are such that to make sure a systematic background check, and not making it unattainable to settle in Canada, the land of dreams. The idea on immigration rules and eligibility can make most of the things possible and smooth. To get settled in Canada is s dream for many people and to make this into reality one need to follow perfect procedure.

The Canadian immigration laws are at hand for people who are interested in migrating to Canada using perfect suggestions and relevant guidelines. This makes sure that there is a soft sailing all the way makes the person to settle in the country hassle-free and easy. When the applicant is in doubt about the rights and wrongs of rules and regulations, he/she can contact an immigration consultancy. The consultancies will provide you updated information and assists till the end of the procedure. The professionals will have the expertise to transform people from any areas.

The basic steps to acquire Canada Citizenship are as follows:

The eligibility for adults applying for Canadian Citizenship should meet the below criteria. During the application time, the candidate must be above 18 years of age or equal to 18 years. The applicants have to be a permanent resident of the nation, only then he/she is eligible to apply for the application of citizenship. Even a domicile of 3-4 years, before, the time of application placement is mandatory.
The applicants between 18 and 54 years should have knowledge on official languages of Canada. At least one language is obligatory. Mostly French and English are considered as official languages. Even there is a special citizenship test for people between 18-54 years.

Basic information about the application:

Basically, the application process for citizenship may take around 19 days to complete. If the applicant wants to know the status of the application, he/she can always go through the government website for immigration to Canada, and it gives an idea regarding the status that the application is present.
By following step by step procedure without any faulty or wrong assumptions, the person can migrate to Canada heart fully. These are a few basics which an applicant needs to know, but there are several other issues which are under the immigration procedure and it is must to know about them and plan accordingly for  better results.


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