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Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Skilled Professionals Without A Job Offer Can Migrate To Saskatchewan

In a bid to attract the best and brightest of migrants amidst the global competition, Saskatchewan, a province of Canada, has published a 5-page list of occupations which are in demand in that province. To make the prospect of migrating to the province even more attractive for high skilled applicants, Saskatchewan is inviting applicants without the requirement of a job offer.

This new program from Saskatchewan follows the announcement of Quebec’s program prioritizing nurses a few months ago.

Though the Canadian Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) Program only has just 24 occupations on its list, the Saskatchewan program is widespread and gives preference to applicants with experience in any of the 200 occupations listed by the province.

Also, work experience within the last 10 years is taken into account for the Saskatchewan program while Quebec only considers a person’s experience in the last 5 years. The program is initiated with intake to start on 2nd Jan, 2014.

However, as per the quota allocated for the Saskatchewan program will not be as big as the 20,000 allotted under Quebec’s program and accepts only 250 applications in the year 2014. So, interested and qualified individuals are advised to apply early.

Effective 2nd Dec, 2013, here are a few of the highlights under the newly announced Saskatchewan ISW (International Skilled Worker) Program:
  • The program is for people who wish to migrate to Canada (Saskatchewan) and settle in Canada as Permanent Residents. It is not recruitment for jobs.
  • Applicants aged between 18 and 50 years will gain points.
  • Applicants do not need a job or employment offer.
  • A university degree of at least 3 years of study is preferred.
  • Applicants do not need to have a relative living in Saskatchewan. However, people who have close relatives in Saskatchewan will gain bonus points.
  • Applicants need to possess English language proficiency. French is not necessary and is not relevant to Saskatchewan.
  • As a minimum threshold to apply, applicants must have at least 1 year of work experience in a skilled position in the last 10 years.
  • Work experience should be in one of 200 listed occupations.


Know The Credentials Involved In Australian Immigration Points Calculator

Skilled personnel across the world look forward to migrate to Australia. Their number is increasing day by day. This once irked Australian Immigration as in how to scrutinize applications filed for Skilled Migration category. The answer was Immigration Points Calculator. The Immigration Points Calculator methodologically determines the applicants’ eligibility to migrate to Australia under Skilled Migration category. As a matter of fact, the Skilled Migration category has two main visas: Australia Skilled Independent visa (Subclass 189) and Australia Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190).

Australian Immigration Points Calculator has few credentials predefined by Australian Immigration and an applicant’s points will be measured against these credentials. Each type of visa under the Skilled Migration category will have discrete cutoff pass marks. Only upon meeting the cutoff requirement, an applicant can be declared eligible for a visa of his category under Skilled Migration.

The following are the credentials predefined by Australian Immigration to determine the applicants’ eligibility to migrate to Australia.
  • Applicant’s age
  • English language proficiency
  • Overall work experience (includes work experience in Australia as well as elsewhere)
  • Academic educational credentials
  • Partner credentials
  • State or province nomination
However, it is the set of first 4 credentials that play the deciding role in determining the applicants’ eligibility to migrate to Australia.

How many points does an applicant’s education carry on the Australian Immigration Points Calculator?

Points awarded for an applicant’s academic qualification are undeniably influential in determining his/her eligibility to obtain a visa under Skilled Migration category. Highest educational qualification in any domain i.e. PhD carries 20 points. Masters education or any degree that accounts to an equivalent of Bachelors degree will be fetching 15 points. Qualifications like recognized vocational programs, AQF level 3/4 programs and Diploma programs in Australia will fetch 10 points to an applicant.

Applicants of what age group are likely to score more points under Age criterion?

Australian Immigration Points Calculator encourages applicants aged between 18 years and 39 years. To be precise, applicants aged between 25 to 32 years score 30 points on the Points Calculator. Applications with applicants aging between 18 to 24 years and 33 to 39 years will score 25 points on the Calculator. Between 39 to 44 years of age, applicants will be gaining only 15 points.

How many points does work experience of an applicant weigh against the Points Calculator?

Work experience of an applicant in Australia and elsewhere are considered individually as both carry distinguished points on the Points Calculator. An applicant with eight years of Australian work experience will chalk up 20 points on the Calculator. With lesser number of years of Australian experience, the points will proportionally be decreased for an applicant. Same is the case with overall work experience, at the most, 8 years of work experience will attribute 15 points to an applicant’s candidature.

The prime cut explanation above creates awareness about Australian Immigration Points Calculator among the migration enthusiasts.
