Canadian Immigration Points Calculator 2013 : Opulentus Complaints, Opulentus Reviews, Opulentus Immigration & Visa Processing
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Saturday, 22 June 2013

Canadian Immigration Points Calculator 2013

The Immigration and Citizenship Department at Canada made certain alterations in the Federal Skilled Worker program 2013. The Federal Skilled Program is aiming to have more qualified workforce and a language compatible population of immigration.

The 2013 Immigration Point Calculator for Canada also needs the candidates to key-in details that collectively return the points that an application might get during the initial screening. The least of 67 points are compulsory for all applicants to get eligible for the Canada immigration   However the Human Resource Development (HRDC) at Canada in future can add an additional 10 points under the category of Arranged Employment and an additional 5 points under the category of Adaptability.

Canadian Immigration Points Calculator majorly requires the candidate to key in his details on age criteria for which maximum of 10 marks are allotted. Keep in mind that the recent changes in the policies of immigration imply that a younger age of the candidates will fetch them more marks.

In the same way, Education criteria would fetch extra or another 25 points considering the status of applicants on education. A Masters or PhD will give most or added marks that gradually taper down with the Diploma course, Bachelor degree and Secondary school educational documentation or certificate. The marks are allotted on the education category will reflect the insistence of policies of immigration on the professional competence on immigrants.

The point’s calculator will also considers the work experience to get another 21 points on the assessment of points-based immigration. The calculator will show that as the work experience is increasing the points also will increases.

One of the major criteria in the points-based assessment is compatibility on any one of the official languages i.e., English or French. The candidate can add a 24 points maximum on this account. A person who has high level on official language must fetch many marks, that gradually down with the level of basic and moderate. The person can also get 10 points on the criteria of Arranged Employment as detailed by the HRD ministry at Canada. An agreed should get 10 marks and a refused person will not get anything.

Nowadays immigration policy is also considering the eligibility of spouse on language or employment as a positive score and can get 5 points. Most prominently the candidate can have additional points of 15 subject to his/her adaptability index. The adaptability is considered on the basis of an arranged employment, an already existing family member in Canada and secondary study in Canada.


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