August 2015 : Opulentus Complaints, Opulentus Reviews, Opulentus Immigration & Visa Processing
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Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Danish Greencard helps you to live, work and settle in Denmark

Danish Greencard not only helps you to live, but also help you to work and settle in Denmark

Starting from 1 January 2015, the Danish green card new rules would apply. Based on the point system, both residence as well as work permits is offered to the individual under the Greencard scheme.

As per the Greencard scheme, before January 1st 2015, the special transitional scheme does apply, if the individual is offered residence permit.  We find the result is, the first applicants submitted for extension after Jan 1st 2015, they would be processed as per the extension rules. However, if there are any subsequent applications for the purpose of extension, it would processed under the new extension rules, where the individual should meet the income requirement. This requirement must be met, it has been stated in the latest residence permit.

If  the individuals has been offered residence permit as per the Danish green card 2015, then they are not required to receive work permit separately. Under the  Greencard scheme, a residence permit does offer the individual right to carry out unpaid work as well as paid work. However, we find the they should remember that, residence permit is granted under the Greencard Scheme, as they cannot undertake self employment. A residence permit as per the Greencard scheme, it does not offer the right to work as a self employed.

Denmark immigration conditions

The individual’s in order to get the residence permit as per the Greencard scheme, they must attain minimum  points. The points are allocated based on the language, education, and adaptability.

The individuals should have document which would prove that they would support themselves during their first year in Denmark.

If residence permit has been offered, then the individuals are required to take health insurance which should not only cover themselves but also their family member until the individual are covered by the Danish National health insurance.